Steps to Eliminate Rubbish from Your Shed
/in Articles, Rubbish Removal/by Georgios AntoniouDoes your shed look messy or disorganised? It may be cluttered with papers, magazines and books, clothes, posters and knickknacks, not to mention your sporting and hobby equipment. Putting your possessions in their proper place and throwing out unneeded items are two good ways to get organised. If you have doubts about throwing certain things away, you can store them in a box. If you have not used them after a month or two, throw them away.
Next thing you know, your house is messy again. This simply means you have a lot of possessions and you need to de-clutter. Keeping your unneeded items away is not just the best option. Perhaps you need to completely eliminate them from your shed.
How do you do that?
Step 1: Determine how much stuff you have and how much space there is.
To effectively do this, you must take everything out of the shed. No process of elimination here yet; just remove everything regardless of whether you use them or not.
Step 2: Sort your stuff.
To make sorting easy, apply the three piles technique — create the Keep, the Toss, and the Give Away piles.
Create a separate pile for rubbish that can be recycled. This includes papers,magazines, clean bottles, old books, and anything that can be recycled.
The Keep pile must include only the things that you need and use. If you’re not sure about something, put it in the Keep pile first. Everything else that is not in the Keep pile must be eliminated from your shed.
The Toss pile includes everything that must be taken to the dump. These include the unnecessary clutter you need to dispose of. Things that you don’t or can no longer use must go in this pile as well.
The Give Away pile includes those clothing and household items that can be taken to a Goodwill, a donation centre, or perhaps to your friend or family member who needs or wants them.
Step 3: Re-sort the Keep pile.
The Keep pile must be sorted again, particularly when it is larger than the amount of available space in the shed.
How to re-sort?
First sorting – Ask yourself: Am I going to use it within the next six months or next season (for seasonal items)? If your answer is no, then toss it or give it away.
Second sorting – Things with sentimental value are the most difficult to get rid of even when they’re broken. Put them in a separate bin. All other things that you don’t need but just can’t get rid of must go in this bin as well. After six months, you need to let them go.
The Final Step – Time to get rid of the Toss pile, the Give Away pile, and the Recycle pile. Don’t sort these piles again. Simply put all of them in separate bags and arrange for waste collection.
The process of eliminating rubbish from from your shed greatly requires time management and organising skills. Now that you have arranged all the things in your Keep pile back to your shed, create a special space for your future rubbish. This way, you are able to eliminate them before they get piled up again.
For more garden and landscaping tips, tune in for more Jim’s Mowing NZ blogs.
How to Remove Garden Rubbish The Easy Way
/in Articles, Rubbish Removal/by Georgios AntoniouSo you’re done cleaning all those leaves, twigs, and tree branches from your yard. What to do with them next? You may simply put them in a bag and bring them to your council’s green waste collection or household waste recycling centre. Or perhaps you can arrange for waste collection and pay for the service charge.
However, waste management is very vital for every property owner. And when it comes to garden rubbish, proper removal and disposal is as important as recycling them. While there are garden rubbish removal services near you, it greatly saves time, money and effort when you do your part in reducing your waste as well as properly sorting and disposing them.
For example, when you mow your lawn, allow some of the clippings to fall onto the lawn so that the nutrients can go back to your garden. And then you can put the other grass clippings straight into the compost bins.
What are other simple and easy ways for disposing of garden rubbish at home?
Sort your rubbish correctly.
Proper removal starts with proper segregation. Teach your household what goes where. Make use of your green bins by putting only what should go in there. Green waste includes garden rubbish like grass clippings and leaves, pruned garden waste, twigs and small branches. Food waste from the kitchen such as meat and fish, pasta, bread and rice, fruit and vegetable scraps also go in the green bins. Other organic materials must also go in there and may also include shredded paper or soiled paper and cardboard like pizza boxes and also paper towels.
Treated timber, large amounts of soil, and plastic bags or plant pots must be separated.
Put them properly in their respective bins.
Another way to make rubbish removal easy is to properly place them inside the bins. Collect kitchen scraps using compostable liners from the Council before throwing them inside the bin. If liners are not available, newspapers will do. The same applies with fruit and vegetable scraps. Wrap them before placing in the bin. It also helps to arrange and layer them with other garden rubbish like grass clippings or leaves.
Reduce and reuse garden materials through composting.
Home composting is not just favorable for your lawn and garden. It also saves you money on fertiliser purchases and bulky waste collection charges.
The Australian government supports home composting and thus provides compost bins at a subsidised rate. You can collect all garden rubbish in there as well as household rubbish. The following year, it will be a valuable resource for your garden.
For more garden and landscaping tips, tune in for more Jim’s Mowing NZ blogs.
How To Make Money From Your Yard Scraps
/in Articles, Rubbish Removal/by Georgios AntoniouIf you’ve already grown tired of all the scraps inside and outside your home, the smartest decision you can make is to sell some (or most) of them. It’s a great way to declutter your home and earn some money at the same time.
To help you go about the whole process of turning your trash into treasures correctly, here are some steps and tips to keep in mind:
Put some thought into what you want to sell.
No matter how valuable you think all your items are, there’s a high chance you won’t be able to make money from all of them. This is something that you would do well to remember. The best way to choose which items you should sell from your clutter is to set a minimum amount for everything you want to get rid of. A realistic amount would be up to $10. If you think people won’t pay this amount for a particular item because it’s too old or it isn’t functional anymore, consider donating it to charity.
Decide how to best sell your items.
There are different ways for you to sell your item now. You can consider doing things traditionally and hold a garage or yard sale. A garage or yard sale can limit your sales only to a small number of buyers, but you have the advantage of targeting locals who can’t resist the lure of impulse buying.
You can also consider setting up a stall at a local market, school, or church sale. However, you have to pay for a fee for joining such activities.
Another traditional strategy to consider is to sell your stuff at a pawn shop. The most popular of these stores is Cash Converters – they have a branch in nearly all areas around Australia.
Online selling is another option worth considering. The most popular online selling sites today are Gumtree, Quicksales, eBay, and Trading Post. Facebook is also quite useful for selling both brand new and used items so consider using this site as well.
If you’re feeling up to it, you can go both the traditional and online route to reach more potential buyers and boost your sales. Just be wary of shipping expenses and make sure you lay out fair terms and conditions first for all your items.
Prep your items.
If you’re selling toys, clothing, and kitchenware, make sure they are clean. If you want to put price tags on each item, do this in advance and make sure that the prices are clear and easily readable; you can use bright stickers or labels. For pieces of furniture, take note of the measurements. Do the same for bigger appliances and jot down other details as well such as its age, condition, and minor imperfections, if there are any. These are all pieces of information worth putting on your promotional or advertising pieces. If you’re selling online, make sure you take good photos of each item. Arrange each item in a way that showcases its best features.
Price items appropriately.
Lastly, put realistic prices on all the items. If your price too high, it could limit interest. If you price too low, it can also discourage interest since people may assume there is something wrong with the item. If you don’t have any idea of how to fairly and realistically price items, do some research online. Don’t forget to put some allowances since there will be buyers who will negotiate the prices or ask for discounts.
For more garden and landscaping tips, tune in for more Jim’s Mowing NZ blogs.
Have You Got a Rubbish Buildup?
/in Articles, Rubbish Removal/by Georgios AntoniouThe amount of waste produced per person increases as populations grow. In Australia, about 48 million tons of waste are produced each year. This waste comes from three main sources: commercial and industrial waste, building and demolition waste, and household waste.
In Australia, household waste makes up more than half of all solid waste. This is made up of plastics, paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, food scraps, and garden waste.
Burning Garden Waste
Burning rubbish and wood in incinerators and open fires can create smoke which pollutes the air. Unauthorised incineration and backyard burning are prohibited at all NSW council areas.
In places where backyard burning is not allowed, there are actually certain situations wherein fires can be lit outside in NSW. These include some agricultural purposes, eligible hazard reduction work, and authorised fire-fighting training.
Working with Garden Rubbish Removal Experts
Since it is illegal (in most places) to burn garden waste, the best way to dispose of all the rubbish is to invest in garden rubbish removal services.
A reputable garden rubbish removal company is capable of removing all kinds of waste from your garden. This includes weeds, green waste, wood removal, storm debris, miscellaneous junk, garden debris and removal of old fencing.
Garden removal experts won’t just efficiently and quickly remove the rubbish from your garden; they will also recycle as much as they possibly can. Recycling plays a crucial role in decreasing the demand on the landfills. If you let experts remove your rubbish, you do not need to hire a skip bin or even worry about your neighbours filling your bin with their own waste.
Choosing the Best Rubbish Removal Company
Be sure to work with a garden waste removal company that has vehicles that can conveniently and easily access your garden so they can load the waste without any difficulty.
They must give you a quote before any work commences and charge you correctly for the amount of waste that must be removed.
You may choose to let the company pay a visit (or pay more than one visit) to your property to make sure that your garden is free from any waste. Most importantly, work with a company that is fully insured and easily identifiable.
Experts will do all the necessary work. And upon completion of the associated tasks, they will thoroughly clean up the site so you can use your yard once again. The best garden rubbish removal service can be the most cost-efficient solution for all your clean-up needs.
For more garden and landscaping tips, tune in for more Jim’s Mowing NZ blogs.
Garden Waste Facts
/in Articles, Gardening, Rubbish Removal/by Georgios AntoniouEver wonder what household green waste is, where it goes, and why it’s important to properly dispose of it?
An Australian resident is responsible for approximately 400kg of household rubbish every year, 180kg of which is comprised of recyclable food and garden waste. Green waste must never be placed in standard waste bins but must be properly disposed of in green waste bins.
Dumping Garden Waste in Landfills
Rubbish contained in standard waste bins goes to landfills. When the 180kg of green waste ends up in landfills, gas emissions will increase. Every kilogram of organic waste will contain enough carbon to yield about 0.17kg of methane.
In the landfill, green waste is broken down without oxygen. Around 50% of carbon can be converted to methane. Hence, every Australian resident is responsible for the emission of 15.3kg of methane every year. Carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases, which are among the fundamental causes of the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming and climate change.
What Must Go Into the Green Waste Bins?
- Flowers
- Prunings
- Leaves
- Small branches and twigs that are not longer than 60cm or thicker than 15cm
- Grass cuttings and clippings
You must not place rocks, treated timber, plastic bags, potting mix, flower pots, cardboard, paper, general rubbish like batteries, building materials, and dead animals into the green waste bins. Still, plastic bags find their way into these bins, which costs most waste management firms both time and money. This also has a negative impact on the environment, most especially when it gets mixed into compost.
Where Do Green Waste Bins Go?
After the green waste bins are collected, they are brought to a customised green waste processing facility. They will be sorted in here by hand, removing things and rubbish that do not belong in the bins.
After that, the rubbish is passed through a gigantic grinder and laid out in rows, which will then be covered with a thermal material. This thermal material will stop the stink and help regulate the temperature. For three days, these rows will be heated to kill pathogens, weed seed, and pests that might be present in the rubbish.
The composted green waste will then undergo a cleaning process – the ferrous metals such as stainless steel and iron based alloys are removed using large magnets. The green waste will be graded based on size – the big pieces are sent back to the grinder. The end product of this entire process is compost, which can be sold back to gardeners and landscapers.
Australian residents must be serious about properly disposing of their garden rubbish. Compost and recycle everything that you can. Most importantly, use your green waste bin. For more garden and landscaping tips, tune in for more Jim’s Mowing NZ blogs.
Cost-effective Solutions to Get Rid of Your Rubbish
/in Articles, Rubbish Removal/by Georgios AntoniouGetting rid of your yard waste and other household rubbish can be burdensome. The task of collecting and disposing can be strenuous and getting rubbish removal services can be pricey if you have lots and of rubbish to get rid of.
Now, how can you get rid of your rubbish the cost-effective way without having to do all the hard labour?
First: Evaluate the amount and kind of your rubbish.
Some of them need to go straight in the bag for collection such as those that can never be recycled or reused. Recycle what you can. Separate those that you can still use for composting such as garden and grass clippings, leaves, and kitchen vegetable scraps. Composting is the best way to recycle rubbish. Compost is a great fertiliser for your lawn and garden.
Another purpose is to reduce those organic materials that need to be disposed of.
Second: Know the limit of what your local sanitation agency can pickup.
This way you’ll know what kind of rubbish to put in the bag and how much of it can be collected without additional charge.
Third: Bring the rest to the nearest waste recycling centre in your area.
If you have no truck, then simply call them and arrange for pickup. Dumping fee varies either by weight or per load. If it is per load, cut large pieces of rubbish into smaller sizes to save on bulky rubbish charges.
Fourth: Hire a rubbish or waste removal team, most particularly when you have large piles of garden waste.
This proves to be more economical than having to do all the hauling and dumping.
On the other hand, if you have a new lawn or intend to have one, you can also convert those heavy branches and shrubs into mulch by renting a chipper.
Fifth: Investing in some equipment can be more cost-effective and time-efficient, especially if you have a great deal of garden rubbish every season.
Some important pieces of equipment to invest in are a mulching mower, a yard blower, and a shredder or chipper. Not only will these equipment ease your rubbish removal tasks, but they will also help keep your lawn healthy.


Mulching Mower

Leaf Blower
The mower, for example, is not just for cutting the grass. While mowing, you can remove the grass catcher and allow the grass clippings to remain in the lawn so that valuable nutrients are absorbed and you won’t need to fertilise so often.
Instead of raking the large piles of leaves, the blower can help you put them into the bags.
Depending on the kind and amount of rubbish you deal with every season, think about the kind of equipment you really need to invest in. If it is too much for your budget, you might want to consider sharing with your trusted neighbours.
There are certainly a lot of cheaper ways to get rid of your rubbish, but cheap does not always mean the best option. You need to calculate, research, and talk to experts at your local waste management centre. For more garden and landscaping tips, tune in for more Jim’s Mowing NZ blogs.
Removing Rubbish from Your Life
/in Articles, Rubbish Removal/by Georgios AntoniouAppropriate disposal of miscellaneous rubbish can be a discouraging and exasperating chore and is undoubtedly a big concern given that it includes following your local laws and regulations.
However, removing the rubbish from your home and life has many benefits, such as; having pride in your home and inviting friends and family over for social gatherings, as well as, eliminating the chances of rodents, snakes, spiders and other nasty pests moving in and creating a hazardous environment for yourself, your children and your pets.
There are now several ways to quickly and easily get rid of your unwanted rubbish without having to stress about the legal consequences that it can bring if not done correctly.
- Sort through the rubbish
Essentially, these are unwanted solid items that are too bulky to be thrown away in the bin and require specific disposal procedures, such as, mattresses, white goods (washing machines, fridges, gas stoves and air conditioners). Other items that are considered as hard rubbish include furniture, electronic waste (PCs, smartphones, cameras, smartwatch), bikes, toys, lawn mowers, blinds and even some garden waste such as fallen branches.
- Donate items that may still be useful
First, identify and separate anything that is broken and/or unusable. Whatever is left, assuming it is in a decent condition, can be donated to charities, such as St Vincent De Paul or the Red Cross Salvation Army. Or you could simply try searching online to see if there is any organisation that would be willing to receive your unwanted items, for example; Ebay, Gumtree and Buy, Swap & Sell pages on Facebook. Doing it this way, not only helps yourself but others too. It will also assist in keeping the environment free from accumulating rubbish.
- Contact Jim’s Rubbish Removal for a Free Quote
The best thing about contacting a professional rubbish removal service is that you can be assured that the job will be done at the date and time that you specified. No waiting for days, weeks or even months! It also eradicates the risk of carrying hefty objects by yourself which can pose some serious health threats.
Disposing of the clutter in your life will be extremely satisfying and rewarding, just call on 0800 454 654 or book online for your free, no obligation quote.